4월, 2017의 게시물 표시

Animal testing should be banned in cosmetic industry.

Animal testing should be banned, especially in the cosmetic industry. There are quite a few reasons to support this idea but I’d like to address 3 of them here. First, it is inhumane and cruel. Often, animals for testing are locked in small cages in the lab with no freedom to move around and what they receive is thousands times of unwanted injection, inhalation and forced feeding. For example, rabbits, one of the most commonly-used animals for testing, are forcefully applied an unidentified chemicals or substances into or onto their eyes with their eyelids fixed open so as to prevent them from blinking. They have to keep their eyes open for tens of hours to be injected with unsafe substances for the purpose of developing safe mascara for women, which by the way cannot be seen as a necessity in human lives. What is worse, they are sometimes deprived of food, water or sleep. As such these lab animals are vulnerable to mistreatment and many of them die during the process. Humans

I would prefer to teach... & Culture based differences...

Q. If you were a teacher, who do you prefer to teach, boys or girls? Why? A. I have taught English to elementary school students and middle school students for a couple of years and I would say boys are more convenient to teach. It is easy to communicate with boys because they don't beat around the bush. They say what they want directly and their feelings are more noticeable than girls. However, with girls, communicating with them is more fun. As female, we have a lot in common to talk about, and can understand and share our feelings more easily than boys. But what is tricky is that if there is anything that girls don't like or when they are feeling low, it is demanding to get them engaged into learning again and the whole atmosphere of the class becomes awkward. Girls tend to be more emotionally sensitive and sometimes it's hard to give a critical feedback because they accept it rather emotionally than rationally, especially those girls in puberty. Also, girls like to c