The most stressful period in my life :-(

The most stressful period in my life was when I broke up with my first boyfriend. Well, I was dumped by him to be exact... Never had I thought that would happen in my life so it was shocking and catatrophic experience for me at that time. I didn't think he and I would break up nor he would be the one who would break our relationship.
After ending with him, I couldn't eat, sleep or work. The only thing I did was crying. I thought I would die of dehydration if I kept crying like that! At the same time, I found it interesting that extreme stress was making me unable to eat any food. Eating is one of the most important parts of my life -of course it is to every human being- in terms of relieving my stress and cheering up my mood, but as I was unable to swallow anything, I was unable to release my stress and my health was getting poorer, both mentally and physically. It was a vicious circle. Extreme sorrow caused stress, stress prevented me from eating, no proper food weakened my body and made me vulnerable to stress and stress causes another problem... It took me about a year and a half to be totally okay. Now I almost forgot the great depth of sadness and stress that I thought would kill me, but I don't want to experience that kind of stressful situation ever again.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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# 1 video reflection